Persian Pistachios

In Iran, various types of Persian pistachios are produced, each with its own distinct characteristics and flavor profiles. Some of the popular varieties include:


  1. Kerman Pistachios: Kerman is one of the most common and widely cultivated pistachio varieties in Iran. It is known for its large size, elongated shape, and vibrant green color. Kerman pistachios have a rich, sweet flavor and a slightly softer texture compared to other varieties.


  1. Akbari Pistachios: Akbari pistachios are highly prized for their large size and elongated shape. They have a pale, cream-colored shell and a unique taste that is both sweet and savory. Akbari pistachios are known for their high kernel-to-shell ratio, making them a preferred choice for commercial use.


  1. Ahmad Aghaei Pistachios: Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are characterized by their medium size and round shape. They have a slightly darker shell color and a rich, full-bodied flavor. These pistachios are often favored for snacking due to their pleasant taste and crunchiness.


  1. Fandoghi Pistachios: Fandoghi pistachios are smaller in size compared to other varieties, but they make up for it with their intense flavor. They have a darker shell color and a slightly sweeter taste. Fandoghi pistachios are commonly used in baking, confectionery, and as a topping for various dishes.


Formond Company, a prominent exporter of Persian pistachios, plays a significant role in bringing these high-quality pistachios to international markets. With their expertise and extensive experience in the industry, Formond Company ensures that only the finest pistachios are selected for export. They work closely with local farmers and cultivators to source the best-quality pistachios from the orchards of Iran.


Formond Company maintains strict quality control measures throughout the export process. They carefully inspect and grade the pistachios to ensure that they meet international standards. The pistachios are then meticulously packaged to preserve their freshness, flavor, and nutritional value during transportation. Formond Company’s commitment to excellence and their reputation as a reliable exporter of Persian pistachios has made them a trusted partner for customers worldwide.


By combining Iran’s favorable weather conditions, meticulous cultivation practices, and the expertise of companies like Formond, the country remains a dominant force in the production and export of high-quality Persian pistachios. Whether enjoyed as a wholesome snack or incorporated into various culinary creations, Iranian pistachios continue to captivate consumers with their exceptional taste, texture, and nutritional benefits.


For more details on Formond’s capabilities, or to place an order, visit our website at or contact our sales team directly at and . We look forward to the opportunity to export our high-quality Persian Pistachios to you.